Star Providers

Lake Cherokee Star Providers Logo

Have you ever wanted to know more about the Lake Cherokee community to better serve your clients and expand your market? Lake Cherokee (Cherokee Water Company) offers a course covering the rules, regulations, and policies of Lake Cherokee. Course curriculum is designed to provide professional service providers a better understanding and knowledge of the unique rules, regulations and policies that help make Lake Cherokee such a special community! After successful completion, you will be recognized as a “Star Provider” for Lake Cherokee Shareholders. Below is a list of the current Star Providers.  

If you are interested in becoming a Star Provider come by the Cherokee Water Company offices at NK 20 Lake Cherokee between the hours or 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday-Friday. Fee for the course is $250 due at the time of registration. For more information, call the office at 903-643-3933.


Abby Adkisson903-431-5636
Clair Balliett 903-918-4605
Kristin Bates903-808-2182
Alice Berryhill903-738-4907
Alisha Bixby 903-445-9118
Kristina Coolidge903-720-4838
Marian Freeman903-331-7170
Lynne Hall903-738-6080
Linda Howlett903-746-0688
Michael Kalmus469-964-1621
Lisa Lobue 903-736-5790
Beth Matlock903-738-9624
Paula Parker903-315-6913
Harriet Prime903-238-3999
Stacie Rogers903-985-2468
Brandi Russell903-452-7524
Alan Scarborough903-263-8443
Stephen Skinner903-240-0168
Renee Wingo903-424-4987
Bud Summers903-240-0095
Dianne Swank903-452-3504
Martha Weant903-720-0936
Jessica Swank Waldron903-452-2125
Melinda Leslie903-576-7667


AGLYN Number Four LLC903-759-3985
Alliance Electric903-643-7319
Clearlake Solutions903-746-8181
Davidson Builders903-736-7458
Expert Irrigation903-407-0980
ETX Precision Detail903-720-8649
Girls Next Door Restoration903-720-4874
JOTS Rental  903-236-4019
Ricks Boat Maintenance  903-808-6399
Project One Roofing903-331-0546